Have any question? (+91) 981-344-3322 info@mscpharma.in

From the Desk of Director

"Survival of the fittest" is more true today than at any other times. The overwhilning competition in all sphere of life makes it for everyone vital to be the best in his field.

With the excellence as by word in our endiavour, we have taken the onerous task of producing the best professionals in the field of Pharmacy. Today it’s important that we excel in whatever responsibilities. We undertakes so that the national goals and our organizational goal, which are synonymous with aspiration of our students are achieved.

We endeavere to the sensi of discipline, dedication and determination for proper balance in Advancement of their career among our students. We solicite the cooperation of parents and guardian to help us achieve our goals.

Wish you all the Best!


Mrs. Meenu Tanwar